In this Area we must dress properly and Expecialy for woman, we must use jilbab. For them who are not muslem , they provide a jilbab rental which is FREE. In this area many people came to pray. So as a tourist , we must be polite and keep our manner.
Sunan Ampel Tomb, or as known as Raden Achmad Rachmatulloh Tomb Located on the Right side of Sunan Ampel Mosque. Sunan ampel passed away at 1481, He was famous as a religius person. Sunan ampel was trusted from Majapahin Ruler to Spread Islam on Surabaya. The tomb itself was build to respect Sunan ampel and its great service.
Sunan ampel tomb is always crowded, visited by the pilgrim expecialy when it comes to the islamic month like Isra’Mi’Raj, islamic new year, and Rahmadan. Sunan ampel Mosque and Tomb has become one of the popular religious tourisim destination. So there were many beggar that begging for mercy and some coins from the pilgrim and the tourist.
This destination itself is famous for it historical story. But not many people know much about the story behind this mosque. When we first came to this mosque, the man from the information center reffer us to the comunity leader if we want to search more information about kampung arab. His name is Mr Baidowi. He explain many thing to us and he was willing to give his number if we want to ask more about kampung arab J
For the Reader that want to know more about Sunan Ampel mosque nor Kampung Arab, Dont hestitate to call Mr.Baidowi (08179348313) or the information center (031.3537948)
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